Brittany Lamb

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October is a wonderful time to turn your attention back to you with a little self care and a lot of self love! This month we're honored to introduce you to our Featured Teacher Brittany Lamb, she fills the room with contagious laughter and joy that stays with you love after Savasana.

Read on and get to know Brittany!

Fall in the air. It’s these times of transition that often inspire us to look within and strengthen our inner relationship. Yoga encourages us to fortify our inner listening and our inner wisdom relationship. What inspired you to start your yoga practice?

My mom. I could stop there, but I’ll go on. She practiced yoga during my youth and had invited me with her in high school, and while I was not initially interested, this introduction planted a seed. When I was a freshman in college, I was craving a different kind of community. I sought out a local studio and the only thing around was Bikram. I was more challenged than ever before in my life, I immediately felt cared for by the people in the room, and soon realized yoga was nearly impossible to practice with a hangover so I quickly became healthier and happier.

Building that sense of community is important and feels so good! In the years since your first class, have you uncovered a favorite pose or series to practice? To teach?

I am a Baptiste Power Yoga trained teacher, so my class is mostly inspired by the Journey into Power sequence. Lately, my favorite pose is childs pose because it feels so good :) I do love teaching and holding people in warrior poses. The structure is such an interesting examination of time. We can consider that the back foot represents rootedness in the past while the front foot is grounded in the future. Meanwhile, the rest of the body is balanced in center and in presence.

That’s wonderful – what a great way to view Warrior poses! As you find yourself in the present moment, what is your method of practicing yoga off your mat and out in the world? We’ve moved beyond yoga as ‘just’ a daily asana practice and love to incorporate it into our daily life beyond our mats.

A really powerful practice for me off of my mat is to stay in the space of self-observation and awareness to discern between what is true to me. Switching to evaluation and consideration from prior states of reactivity has created space in all of my relationships for vulnerability, trust, and fun!

You bring a lot of laughter, joy and smiles into every room you enter – especially our studio walls! How do you share your joy beyond yoga? What is your favorite thing to do other than yoga?

I love to paint. I’ve always loved layering oils and making big messy pieces. Lately, I’ve been exploring the delicateness of watercolor and it’s been an interesting shift. On Thursday nights I like to rollerblade down 4th street. Mostly my favorite thing other than yoga is feeling alive, sometimes it’s dancing, learning instruments, or being with family.

I think we all appreciate the present moment more after this past year and a half. Have you unearthed any surprise silver linings?

I had a job that I absolutely adored that I lost during the pandemic. It felt pretty crushing, but it opened up so much for me. My creativity was reinspired as I gained more time, reduced stress, and everything started to fall into place. I no longer feel like I am trying to fit my life into a box, and instead I feel like an active participant in the creation process.

That sounds spacious - life outside the box is so freeing! You mentioned roller blading, spending time with family and feeling alive… where is your favorite place to be?

My favorite place to be is somewhere I can relax fully and be myself! It feels so good.

That’s beautiful. It feels so good to be at home in our own skin, and also to know that home can be here, or anywhere in the world when we feel our Selves at home with our breath and body. You recently took a trip overseas, any more plans to travel?

I just got back from co-leading a yoga retreat in Costa Rica and it was an absolute blast! My plans for the remainder of the year are to stay inspired in my teaching as a vehicle to bring people together, to have fun, and to feel good.

Thank you for your thoughtful answers, Brittany. We’re moving onto the ‘get to know ya’ questions. Who is your musician or artist of the moment?

Historically, I am a complete sucker for Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey *laughing emoji* Right now I have been super into Mt. Joy re: Astrovan and Janis Joplin. I grew up with a lot of Grateful Dead playing in the background. I always loving when friends send me new music. Let’s connect on spotify: brittanylambyoga

What is your favorite quote?

I can’t choose one favorite quote! Here are three:
1. logic takes you from a to b. Imagination takes you anywhere.
2. Comparison is the thief of joy.
3. If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.

Let’s go together! What book are you currently reading?

The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

What is your favorite food?

I adore Bay Thai on fourth street in San Rafael, SOL food, Burmese Food, and most sweet things.

Dreaming big now… What is your favorite travel destination?

I am really lucky and have had the opportunity to travel to over 25 countries and counting. Some of my most meaningful trips have been the volunteer work I’ve done in Nepal after the earthquake in 2015 and then at an orphanage in 2017. Nepal holds a big space in my heart. In the same breath, I would move to the South of France at the drop of a hat, and am always on the lookout for beautiful retreat centers in Latin America or in the states. I am excitedly planning a winter trip to Iceland now!

Final question… Can we come too? It’s a joy to spend time with you and to share you with our students at Metta. Every class is So Much Fun! And challenging and rewarding and fulfilling and and and … You’re the best Brittany!

Join Brittany in her Fiery Flow classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays in San Rafael from noon-1:00 and be on the lookout for evenings class this fall! If you can’t make it into the studio, you can follow Brittany on Instagram @brittanicalamb and if you’re curious to listen to Brittany’s latest musical faves, you can access her playlists on Spotify @brittanylambyoga